Have you ever had "one of those days" when . . .
a pipe breaks in the garage and the water is pouring in, but only in a small area ... that just happens to be over your boxes of rare books and irreplaceable high school yearbooks? OR ...
your best friend goes a little crazy furniture shopping and says, "Of course, we can get this waterbed in the van," ... did I mention that there was already a full couch, dresser, and recliner in the van? OR ...
you have traveled several hundred miles on your road trip and you are getting closer to home when that deer cars out from the side, hits your car, flips over a friend's head and the top of your convertible ... top down, of course ... and lands beside the road, with a mere $6,000 worth of damage, on a desolate stretch of road near dusk? And we laughed like crazy?! OR ...
you are just 42 years old when the doctor says, "Tammy, I am afraid it is cancer." OR ...
you just can't wait to crawl into bed and get the layover, and then the bed breaks and you find yourself on the floor staring at the ceiling? OR ...
you are in that job interview for your "dream job" and the question you never expected is asked? You draw a blank and realize at that moment that you have just lost the job opportunity of a lifetime.
I am sure you get the idea, as we have all lived similar events in our lives. These are just a few of the real life experiences that have given life to many of my presentations over the years.
From these examples have come speeches on home safety; preserving your collectibles; the value of friendship; packing valuables in small places; many presentations on healing and adversity with humor; countless presentations on motivation and goal setting; and the development of a delightful Speech Cookie© (more on my copyrighted technique later!).
Yes, my life is speech material ... but most importantly ... so is YOURS! I encourage you to look around you and embrace each day. You just never know where the inspiration for your next presentation will come from, or how your next life changing moment can help others. Look around you and live life ... love life ... and talk about it!
